Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It’s time to give thanks the traditional way – by watching Fools being foolish.

This weekend marks our seventh annual performance of the Fools Play Thanksgiving Special. Find out how the pilgrims brought improv to the New World in a heretical improvised telling of the first Thanksgiving. It’s like eating a comedy yam.

This will also be your chance to see how the Ginger Fool and Orange Fool interact with the Yellow Fool. Orange and Yellow haven’t performed together in six years. And Ginger? Does Geoff even know there IS a Ginger Fool? Find out this Saturday!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Fools Play is bursting with pride to announce our latest Fools.

Please welcome Jamie Pederson the Ginger Fool. Jamie earned his Fooldom after a brief but memorable apprenticeship and has already clocked several shows. Come see him strut his stuff.

But there’s more! In a move that shocked the industry, Nathan Geyer the Orange Fool has returned to the cast after a six year absence! We’re tickled orange to have Nathan back in the fold.

His physical comedy and musical aptitude will be on full display this Saturday when Fools Play performs Conversation Starter, a melodious extravaganza in which conversations lead to songs that lead to scenes. Nathan will be rocking out on the guitar and keyboard, so be sure to catch the show and wish him a happy return.

Find out more at